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1] caterpillar of Zygaena filipendulae reared on Medicago lupulina - Haute Garonne (France) - 21/04/2018 | | 2] same larva as 1] | |
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3] same larva as 1] | | 4] same larva as 1] | |
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5] same larva as 1] | | | |
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6] individual which originated from the caterpillar shown in 1] - Haute Garonne (France) - 25/05/2018 | | 7] cocoon of Zygaena filipendulae found in a meadow - Haute Garonne (France) - 16/05/2018 | |
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8] same cocoon as 7] the day on which the butterfly emerged - Haute Garonne (France) - 02/06/2018 | | 9] view of the butterfly which emerged from the cocoon shown in 8] - Haute Garonne (France) - 02/06/2018 | |
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10] mature caterpillar found on Dorycnium pentaphyllum - Var (France) - 12/04/2014 | | 11] same larva as 10] | |
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12] other mature caterpillar found near Dorycnium pentaphyllum - Var (France) - 12/04/2014 | | 13] same larva as 12] | |
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14] mature caterpillar found on Dorycnium pentaphyllum - Var (France) - 18/04/2014 | | 15] cocoon which originated from one of the larvae shown in 10] or 12] (after rearing) - Var (France) - 04/05/2014 | |
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16] same cocoon as 15] | | 17] butterfly which emerged from the cocoon shown in 15] - Var (France) - 19/05/2014 | |
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18] cocoon after the butterfly emerged - Var (France) - 16/05/2014 | | 19] specimen which emerged from the cocoon shown in 18] - Var (France) - 16/05/2014 | |
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20] mature caterpillar of Zygaena filipendulae - Côte d'or (France) - 20/05/2010 | | 21] caterpillar - Haute Saône (France) - 13/06/2010 | |
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22] mature caterpillar - Doubs (France) - 22/06/2010 | | 23] same larva as 22] | |
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24] mature caterpillar - Côte d'or (France) - 20/05/2010 | | | |
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25] same larva as 24] | | 26] caterpillar - Doubs (France) - 05/07/2010 | |
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27] same larva as 26] | | 28] same larva as 26] | |
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29] same larva as 26] | | 30] same larva as 26] | |
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31] mature caterpillar - Côte d'or (France) - 20/05/2010 | | 32] same caterpillar as 31] | |
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33] other mature caterpillar - Côte d'or (France) - 20/05/2010 | | 34] same larva as 33] | |
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35] other mature caterpillar - Côte d'or (France) - 20/05/2010 | | 36] mature caterpillar - Côte d'or (France) - 29/05/2010 | |
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37] specimen just emerged from its cocoon - Haute Loire (France) - 23/07/2013 | | 38] cocoon from which the individual from picture 37] emerged (early in the morning) | |
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39] female found in natura and just emerged from the cocoon shown in 40] - Var (France) - 05/06/2017 | | 40] close-up of the cocoon from which the female from picture 39] emerged - Var (France) - 05/06/2017 | |
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41] view of the whole scene related to pictures 39] & 40] | | | |