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| |  | << mating pair of Black Eyed Blues (Glaucopsyche melanops). The male is on the left - Aude (France) - 21/04/2023 | |
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| |  | << male of Black Eyed Blue (Glaucopsyche melanops) - Aude (France) - 21/04/2023 | |
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| |  | << caterpillar of Six-spot Burnet (Zygaena filipendulae) feeding on Dorycnium pentaphyllum - Aude (France) - 21/04/2023 | |
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| |   | << two views of the same male of Green-Underside Blue (Glaucopsyche alexis) - Aude (France) - 21/04/2023 | |
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| |  | << male of Mallow Skipper (Carcharodus alceae) - Ain (France) - 13/04/2023 | |
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| |  | << female of Orange Tip (Anthocharis cardamines) - Pyrénées orientales (France) - 10/04/2023 | |
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| |  | << male of Green Hairstreak (Callophrys rubi) - Pyrénées orientales (France) - 10/04/2023 | |
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| |  | << male of Nettle Tree Butterfly (Libythea celtis) - Pyrénées orientales (France) - 09/04/2023 | |
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| |  | << male of Western Dappled White (Euchloe crameri) - Pyrénées orientales (France) - 09/04/2023 | |
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| |  | << male of Speckled Wood (Pararge aegeria) - Pyrénées orientales (France) - 10/04/2023 | |
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| |  | << male of Slate Burnet (Zygaena rhadamanthus) - Pyrénées orientales (France) - 31/03/2023 | |
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| |  | << female of Cleopatra (Gonepteryx cleopatra) laying on Rhamnus sp.- Aude (France) - 25/03/2023 | |
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| |  | << a Large Tortoiseshell (Nymphalis polychloros) - Aude (France) - 19/02/2023 | |
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