
<< two views of the same male Glaucopsyche melanops - Var (France) - 30/03/2012 |
<< female Pyrgus malvoides - Var (France) - 30/03/2012 |
<< female Pararge aegeria - Var (France) - 25/03/2012 |
<< Issoria lathonia - Var (France) - 22/03/2012 |
<< male of Carcharodus alceae - Var (France) - 22/03/2012 |
<< Zerynthia polyxena ssp cassandra - Var (France) - 16/03/2012 |
<< male of Callophrys rubi - Var (France) - 16/03/2012 |

<< two views of a male Polygonia c-album - Var (France) - 16/03/2012 |
<< female Pondia daplidice laying on Reseda sp. and close-up of the egg - Var (France) - 16/03/2012 |

<< two views of a female Cacyreus marshalli - Var (France) - 11/03/2012 |
<< Nymphalis polychloros basking after hibernation - Bouches-du-Rhône alt.620m (France) - 10/03/2012 |
<< a mature caterpillar of Cacyreus marshalli on Geranium zonale in a garden - Var (France) - 03/03/2012 |

<< The very first butterflies of 2012 seen on the 24th of February !
Seven freshly emerged specimens of Lasiommata megera have just been observed in a garigue near Toulon (a single female shown above left and 6 males). The warm temperatures recorded on the south coast of France these days (18-19°C) manifestly triggered some early emergences. No other butterflies were flying in that place, except some hawkmoths of species Macroglossum stellatarum - Var (France) - 24/02/2012 |