You can find a species by .... | |||||
using the alphabetic index of latin names (TABLE 1 down below) | |||||
using the alphabetic index of the commonest vernacular names (TABLE 2 down below) | |||||
(click on the latin name for accessing the species-page) |
TABLE 1 - Alphabetic index of latin names | ||
Agl --> Ereb | Ery --> Phe | Pie --> Zer |
Agriades optilete Agriades orbitulus Agriades pyrenaicus Agrodiaetus sp. [see Polyommatus sp.] Albulina orbitulus [see Agriades orbitulus] Arethusana boabdil Argynnis adippe [see Fabriciana adippe] Argynnis aglaja [see Speyeria aglaja] Argynnis elisa [see Fabriciana elisa] Argynnis niobe [see Fabriciana niobe] Boloria dia Boloria eunomia Boloria euphrosyne Boloria graeca Boloria napaea Clossiana sp. [see Boloria sp] Cyaniris semiargus Cynthia cardui [see Vanessa cardui] Driopa mnemosyne [see Parnassius] Danaus chrysippus | Hipparchia alcyone Hipparchia aristaeus Hipparchia genava Hipparchia fagi Hipparchia fidia Hipparchia neomiris Iolana iolas [see Glaucopsyche iolas] Kretania trappiLaeosopis roboris Lasiommata maera Lasiommata megera Lasiommata paramegaera Lasiommata petropolitana Leptidea duponcheli Leptidea sinapis Maculinea sp. [see Phengaris sp.] Melanargia lachesis Melanargia occitanica Melanargia russiae Meleageria daphnis [see Polyommatus daphnis] Ochlodes sylvanus Ochlodes venatus [see Ochlodes sylvanus] Parnassius phoebus [see P.corybas] | Plebejus pylaon [see Kretania trappi] Proclossiana eunomia [see Boloria eunomia] Pseudoaricia nicias [see Aricia nicias] Pseudophilotes batonSyrichtus proto [see Muschampia proto] Vacciniina optilete [see Agriades optilete] |
TABLE 2 - Alphabetic index of vernacular names | ||
Vernacular name | Latin name (click on it) | |
A | Adonis Blue | Lysandra bellargus |
Alcon Blue | Phengaris alcon | |
Almond Eyed Ringlet | Erebia alberganus | |
Alpine Argus | Agriades orbitulus | |
Alpine Grayling | Oeneis glacialis | |
Alpine Grizzled Skipper | Pyrgus andromedae | |
Alpine Heath | Coenonympha gardetta | |
Amanda's Blue | Polyommatus amandus | |
Apollo | Parnassius apollo | |
Arran Brown | Erebia ligea | |
Asian Fritillary | Euphydryas intermedia | |
Autumn Ringlet | Erebia neoridas | |
B | Balkan Fritillary | Boloria graeca |
Bath White | Pontia daplidice | |
Baton Blue | Pseudophilotes baton | |
Bellier's Blue | Plebejus bellieri | |
Berger's Clouded Yellow | Colias alfacariensis | |
Black Eyed Blue | Glaucopsyche melanops | |
Black Hairstreak | Satyrium pruni | |
Black Satyr | Satyrus actaea | |
Black Veined White | Aporia crataegi | |
Blind Ringlet | Erebia pharte | |
Blue Spot Hairstreak | Satyrium spini | |
Bog Fritillary | Boloria eunomia | |
Bright Eyed Ringlet | Erebia oeme | |
Brimstone | Gonepteryx rhamni | |
Brown Argus | Aricia agestis | |
Brown Hairstreak | Thecla betulae | |
C | Camberwell Beauty | Nymphalis antiopa |
Cardinal | Argynnis pandora | |
Carline Skipper | Pyrgus carlinae | |
Chalk Hill Blue | Lysandra coridon | |
Chapman's Blue | Polyommatus thersites | |
Chapman's Green Hairstreak | Callophrys avis | |
Chequered Blue | Scolitantides orion | |
Chequered Skipper | Carterocephalus palaemon | |
Chestnut Heath | Coenonympha glycerion | |
Cinquefoil Skipper | Pyrgus cirsii | |
Cleopatra | Gonepteryx cleopatra | |
Clouded Apollo | Parnassius mnemosyne | |
Clouded Yellow | Colias crocea | |
Comma | Polygonia c-album | |
Common Blue | Polyommatus icarus | |
Common Brassy Ringlet | Erebia arvernensis | |
Corsican Dappled White | Euchloe insularis | |
Corsican Fritillary | Fabriciana elisa | |
Corsican Grayling | Hipparchia neomiris | |
Corsican Heath | Coenonympha corinna | |
Corsican Swallowtail | Papilio hospiton | |
Corsican Red-underwing Skipper | Spialia therapne | |
Corsican Wall Brown | Lasiommata paramegaera | |
Cranberry Blue | Agriades optilete | |
Cranberry Fritillary | Boloria aquilonaris | |
Cynthia's Fritillary | Euphydryas cynthia | |
D | Damon Blue | Polyommatus damon |
Dark Green Fritillary | Speyeria aglaja | |
Darwin's Heath | Coenonympha macromma | |
De Prunner's Ringlet | Erebia triarius | |
Dewy Ringlet | Erebia pandrose | |
Dingy Skipper | Erynnis tages | |
Dryad | Minois dryas | |
Duke of Burgundy Fritillary | Hamearis lucina | |
Dusky Grizzled Skipper | Pyrgus cacaliae | |
Dusky Heath | Coenonympha dorus | |
Dusky Large Blue | Phengaris nausithous | |
Dusky Meadow Brown | Hyponephele lycaon | |
E | Eastern Wood White | Leptidea duponcheli |
Eros Blue | Polyommatus eros | |
Escher's Blue | Polyommatus escheri | |
Esper's Marbled White | Melanargia russiae | |
Essex Skipper | Thymelicus lineolus | |
F | False Dewy Ringlet | Erebia sthennyo |
False Grayling | Arethusana arethusa | |
False Heath Fritillary | Melitaea diamina | |
False Ilex Hairstreak | Satyrium esculi | |
False Mnestra Ringlet | Erebia aethiopellus | |
False Ringlet | Coenonympha oedippus | |
Foulquier's Grizzled Skipper | Pyrgus foulquieri | |
Furry Blue | Polyommatus dolus | |
G | Gatekeeper | Pyronia tithonus |
Gavarnie Blue | Agriades pyrenaicus | |
Gavarnie Ringlet | Erebia gorgone | |
Geranium Argus | Eumedonia eumedon | |
Geranium Bronze | Cacyreus marshalli | |
Glandon Blue | Agriades glandon | |
Glanville Fritillary | Melitaea cinxia | |
Grayling | Hipparchia semele | |
Great Banded Grayling | Brintesia circe | |
Great Sooty Satyr | Satyrus ferula | |
Green Hairstreak | Callophrys rubi | |
Green Veined White | Pieris napi | |
Green-underside Blue | Glaucopsyche alexis | |
Grisons Fritillary | Melitaea varia | |
Grizzled Skipper | Pyrgus malvae | |
H | Heath Fritillary | Melitaea athalia |
Hermit | Chazara briseis | |
High Brown Fritillary | Fabriciana adippe | |
Holly Blue | Celastrina argiolus | |
I | Iberian Marbled White | Melanargia lachesis |
Idas Blue | Plebejus idas | |
Ilex Hairstreak | Satyrium ilicis | |
Iolas Blue | Iolana iolas | |
K | Knapweed Fritillary | Melitaea phoebe |
L | Lang's Short Tailed Blue | Leptotes pirithous |
Larche Ringlet | Erebia scipio | |
Large Blue | Phengaris arion | |
Large Chequered Skipper | Heteropterus morpheus | |
Large Copper | Lycaena dispar | |
Large Grizzled Skipper | Pyrgus alveus | |
Large Heath | Coenonympha tullia | |
Large Ringlet | Erebia euryale | |
Large Skipper | Ochlodes sylvanus | |
Large Tortoiseshell | Nymphalis polychloros | |
Large Wall Brown | Lasiommata maera | |
Large White | Pieris brassicae | |
Lefebvre's Ringlet | Erebia lefebvrei | |
Lesser Marbled Fritillary | Brenthis ino | |
Lesser Mountain Ringlet | Erebia melampus | |
Lesser Purple Emperor | Apatura ilia | |
Lesser Rock Grayling | Hipparchia genava | |
Long Tailed Blue | Lampides boeticus | |
Lulworth Skipper | Thymelicus acteon | |
M | Mallow Skipper | Carcharodus alceae |
Map Butterfly | Araschnia levana | |
Marbled Fritillary | Brenthis daphne | |
Marbled Ringlet | Erebia montana | |
Marbled Skipper | Carcharodus lavatherae | |
Marbled White | Melanargia galathea | |
Marsh Fritillary | Euphydryas aurinia | |
Mazarine Blue | Cyaniris semiargus | |
Meadow Brown | Maniola jurtina | |
Meadow Fritillary | Melitaea parthenoides | |
Meleager's Blue | Polyommatus daphnis | |
Mnestra's Ringlet | Erebia mnestra | |
Moorland Clouded Yellow | Colias palaeno | |
Mother of Pearl Blue | Polyommatus nivescens | |
Mountain Alcon Blue | Phengaris rebeli | |
Mountain Argus | Aricia artaxerxes | |
Mountain Clouded Yellow | Colias phicomone | |
Mountain Dappled White | Euchloe simplonia | |
Mountain Fritillary | Boloria napaea | |
Mountain Green Veined White | Pieris bryoniae | |
Mountain Ringlet | Erebia epiphron | |
Mountain Small White | Pieris ergane | |
N | Nettle Tree Butterfly | Libythea celtis |
Nickerl's Fritillary | Melitaea aurelia | |
Niobe Fritillary | Fabriciana niobe | |
Northern Wall Brown | Lasiommata petropolitana | |
O | Oberthur's Grizzled Skipper | Pyrgus armoricanus |
Olive Skipper | Pyrgus serratulae | |
Orange Tip | Anthocharis cardamines | |
Oriental Meadow Brown | Hyponephele lupina | |
Osiris Blue | Cupido osiris | |
Ottoman Brassy Ringlet | Erebia ottomana | |
P | Painted Lady | Vanessa cardui |
Pale Clouded Yellow | Colias hyale | |
Peacock | Inachis io | |
Peak White | Pontia callidice | |
Pearl Bordered Fritillary | Boloria euphrosyne | |
Pearly Heath | Coenonympha arcania | |
Piedmont Ringlet | Erebia meolans | |
Pigmy Skipper | Gegenes pumilio | |
Plain Tiger, African Monarch | Danaus chrysippus | |
Poplar Admiral | Limenitis populi | |
Portuguese Dappled White | Iberochloe tagis | |
Provençal Fritillary | Melitaea dejone | |
Provençal Short Tailed Blue | Cupido alcetas | |
Provence Chalk Hill Blue | Lysandra hispana | |
Provence Hairstreak | Tomares ballus | |
Provence Orange Tip | Anthocharis euphenoides | |
Purple Edged Copper | Lycaena hippothoe | |
Purple Emperor | Apatura iris | |
Purple Hairstreak | Quercusia quercus | |
Purple Shot Copper | Lycaena alciphron | |
Q | Queen of Spain Fritillary | Issoria lathonia |
R | Réal's Wood White | Leptidea reali |
Red Admiral | Vanessa atalanta | |
Red Underwing Skipper | Spialia sertorius | |
Reverdin's Blue | Plebejus argyrognomon | |
Ringlet | Aphantopus hyperantus | |
Ripart's Anomalous Blue | Polyommatus ripartii | |
Rock Grayling | Hipparchia alcyone | |
Rosy Grizzled Skipper | Pyrgus onopordi | |
S | Safflower Skipper | Pyrgus carthami |
Sage Skipper | Muschampia proto | |
Sardinian Small Tortoiseshell | Aglais ichnusa | |
Scarce Copper | Lycaena virgaureae | |
Scarce Fritillary | Euphydryas maturna | |
Scarce Heath | Coenonympha hero | |
Scarce Large Blue | Phengaris telejus | |
Scarce Swallowtail | Iphiclides podalirius | |
Scotch Argus | Erebia aethiops | |
Shepherd's Fritillary | Boloria pales | |
Short Tailed Blue | Cupido argiades | |
Silky Ringlet | Erebia gorge | |
Silver Spotted Skipper | Hesperia comma | |
Silver Studded Blue | Plebejus argus | |
Silver Washed Fritillary | Argynnis paphia | |
Silvery Argus | Aricia nicias | |
Sloe Hairstreak | Satyrium acaciae | |
Small Apollo | Parnassius corybas | |
Small Blue, Little Blue | Cupido minimus | |
Small Copper | Lycaena phlaeas | |
Small Heath | Coenonympha pamphilus | |
Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary | Boloria selene | |
Small Skipper | Thymelicus sylvestris | |
Small Tortoiseshell | Aglais urticae | |
Small White | Pieris rapae | |
Sooty Copper | Lycaena tityrus | |
Sooty Ringlet | Erebia pluto | |
Southern Comma | Polygonia egea | |
Southern Festoon | Zerynthia polyxena | |
Southern Gatekeeper | Pyronia cecilia | |
Southern Grayling | Hipparchia aristaeus | |
Southern Grizzled Skipper | Pyrgus malvoides | |
Southern Marbled Skipper | Carcharodus baeticus | |
Southern Mountain Argus | Aricia montensis | |
Southern Scarce Swallowtail | Iphiclides feisthamelii | |
Southern Small White | Pieris mannii | |
Southern Swallowtail | Papilio alexanor | |
Southern White Admiral | Limenitis reducta | |
Spanish Argus | Aricia morronensis | |
Spanish Brassy Ringlet | Erebia rondoui | |
Spanish Festoon | Zerynthia rumina | |
Spanish Fritillary | Euphydryas desfontainii | |
Spanish Gatekeeper | Pyronia bathseba | |
Spanish Purple Hairstreak | Laeosopis roboris | |
Speckled Wood | Pararge aegeria | |
Spotted Fritillary | Melitaea didyma | |
Spring Ringlet | Erebia epistygne | |
Striped Grayling | Hipparchia fidia | |
Sudeten Ringlet | Erebia sudetica | |
Swallowtail | Papilio machaon | |
T | Titania's Fritillary | Boloria titania |
Tree Grayling | Hipparchia statilinus | |
Tufted Marbled Skipper | Carcharodus floccifer | |
Turquoise Blue | Polyommatus dorylas | |
Twin-spot Fritillary | Brenthis hecate | |
Two Tailed Pasha | Charaxes jasius | |
V | Violet Copper | Lycaena helle |
Violet Fritillary | Boloria dia | |
W | Wall Brown | Lasiommata megera |
Warren's Skipper | Pyrgus warrenensis | |
Water Ringlet | Erebia pronoe | |
Western Dappled White | Euchloe crameri | |
Western Marbled White | Melanargia occitanica | |
White Admiral | Limenitis camilla | |
White Letter Hairstreak | Satyrium w-album | |
Wood White | Leptidea sinapis | |
Woodland Brown | Lopinga achine | |
Woodland Grayling | Hipparchia fagi | |
Woodland Ringlet | Erebia medusa | |
Y | Yellow Banded Skipper | Pyrgus sidae |
Yellow Spotted Ringlet | Erebia manto | |
Z | Zephyr Blue | Kretania trappi |