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1] male of Zygaena contaminei nectaring on the host-plant Eryngium bourgatii on which caterpillars of this species grow - alt.1480m - Hautes Pyrénées (France) - 16/07/2012 | | 2] other specimen alt.1480m - Hautes Pyrénées (France) - 16/07/2012 | |
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3] male alt.1400m - Hautes Pyrénées (France) - 02/07/2022 | | 4] same specimen as 3] | |
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5] same specimen as 3] | | 6] same specimen as 3] | |
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7] other male alt.1400m - Hautes Pyrénées (France) - 02/07/2022 | | 8] a male of Zygaena contaminei (on the right) beside a specimen of Zygaena lonicerae (on the left), showing the size difference between the two species alt.1400m - Hautes Pyrénées (France) - 02/07/2022 | |
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9] other male alt.1400m - Hautes Pyrénées (France) - 02/07/2022 | | 10] other male alt.1400m - Hautes Pyrénées (France) - 02/07/2022 | |
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11] male alt.2050m - Hautes Pyrénées (France) - 04/08/2019 | | 12] male alt.1400m - Hautes Pyrénées (France) - 02/07/2022 | |
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13] two males alt.1480m - Hautes Pyrénées (France) - 16/07/2012 | | 14] other specimen alt.1480m - Hautes Pyrénées (France) - 16/07/2012 | |
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15] other specimen alt.1480m - Hautes Pyrénées (France) - 16/07/2012 | | 16] alt.1700m - Hautes Pyrénées (France) - 18/07/2012 | |
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17] male alt.1700m - Hautes Pyrénées (France) - 18/07/2012 | | 18] three specimen with two of them mated - alt.1480m - Hautes Pyrénées (France) - 16/07/2012 | |
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19] female of Zygaena contaminei, resting on the host-plant, Eryngium bourgatii alt.1800m - Hautes Pyrénées (France) - 21/07/2022 | | 20] female alt.1400m - Hautes Pyrénées (France) - 02/07/2022 | |
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21] same specimen as 20] | | 22] same specimen as 20] | |
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23] female looking for a suitable place for egg-laying, shifting on the host-plant alt.1400m - Hautes Pyrénées (France) - 02/07/2022 | | 24] same scene as 23] | |
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25] same scene as 23], the insect is testing the host-plant with its abdomen | | 26] same female as 25], starting to lay a few eggs on the underside of a leaf of Eryngium bourgatii | |
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27] close-up of the small clutch laid by the female from picture 26]. After a few minutes, the female flew away spontaneously. It finally took a while for these eggs to be laid. | | 28] same clutch as 27] | |
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29] mating pair sitting on the host-plant Eryngium bourgatii alt.1480m - Hautes Pyrénées (France) - 16/07/2012 | | | |
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