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  numbering of the spots        
  choice A
  • 6 red spots of various size
  • spots No.3&No.4 are not touching each other, spot No.3 being much smaller than spot No.4
  • spot No.4 is square
  • the thickness of the black border on the hindwing is irregular
  • small-sized Burnet, very local in the South-East part of France
Zygaena viciae ssp charon  
  choice B
  • 6 red spots of similar size, though spot No.6 can be small and even hardly visible
  • spots No.3&No.4 are often touching each other (or they are slightly remote from each other)
  • spot No.4 is usually rectangular and its longest side is perpendicular to the brim of the wing
  • on the underside of the forewing, spots are visible but do not merge into a single red area

 Zygaena filipendulae (6-spotted form)
  choice C
  • 6 red spots of similar size, usually remote from each other and often circled with a thin border of black
  • the antenna tip is whitish
  • spot No.4 is usually rounded (sometimes rectangular or irregular)
  • on the underside of the forewing, spots merge into a single red area whose limits are well defined
  • the black border on the hidwing is thin and is dentate in its middle (blue arrow)