numbering of the spots        
  choice A
  • 5 red spots of various size, well separated 
  • spot No.4 and spot No.5 have roughly the same size
next step>>  
  choice B
  • 5 red spots of various size, rather large 
  • spots No.3&4 are clearly touching each other 
  • spot No.4 and spot No.5 have roughly the same size
  • spot No.4 is larger than spot No.3 and more or less square
  • the antenna tip increases abruptly in size from the last third of the antenna, forming a bold bulge 

Zygaena trifolii  
  choice C
  • 5 red spots of similar size, rather small and remote from one another
  • bold white collar
  • spots are circled with black 
Zygaena lavandulae