numbering of the spots        
  choice A
  • 5 red spots of various size, sometimes touching each other but clearly visible
  • spot No.4 and spot No.5 have roughly the same size
  • spots can be circled with black
  • no abdominal red belt 
next step >>
  choice B
  • 5 red spots of similar size, remote from each other
  • spot No.1 elongated
  • spot No.4 and spot No.5 have roughly the same size
  • the outline of the forewing and the veins are often white in females
  • the body of the insect is very hairy
  • wings are translucent
  • high altitude species 
Zygaena exulans  
  choice C
  • 5 red or pinkish spots OR 5 white spots with spots No.1 & 2 filled with red scales
  • spots are well separated
  • bold red belt
  • the black border of the hindwing is thick (5-red spotted form)  OR the hindwing is black with a single white spot (5-white spotted form) 
(form athamanthae)
(form medusa)
Zygaena ephialtes
(5-spotted forms)