numbering of the spots        
  choice A
  • spot No.3 is usually well separated from spot No.5 (sometimes spots 3&5 can be linked with a narrow red line)
  • spot No.5 is usually oval or egg-shaped
  • the dark border on the hindwing is visible all along the back part of it ; its thickness is irregular, and decreases from the external part of the wing (apex) to the internal part 
  choice B
  • spot No.3 is usually well separated from spot No.5 (sometimes spots 3&5 can be linked with a narrow red line)
  • spot No.5 is usually not oval
  • small-sized burnet whose wings are almost transparent
  • the dark border on the hindwing is grey and translucent ; it is visible only along a short part of the wing brim and stops sharply ;
  • the dark border on the hindwing is thick and its thickness is regular
  • very local species from the South-East part of France
Zygaena nevadensis