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| | | << two views of a male of Large Chequered Skipper (Heteropterus morpheus) alt.370m - Ariège (France) - 11/06/2021 |
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| | | << two views of a female of Large Chequered Skipper (Heteropterus morpheus) alt.370m and close-up of an egg laid on Brachypodium sylvaticum - Ariège (France) - 11/06/2021 |
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| | | << male of Amanda's Blue (Polyommatus amandus) alt.370m - Ariège (France) - 11/06/2021 |
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| | | << two views of a female of Marsh Fritillary (Euphydryas aurinia) alt.320m - Haute-Garonne (France) - 11/06/2021 |
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| | | << female of Short-Tailed Blue (Cupido argiades) alt.320m - Haute-Garonne (France) - 11/06/2021 |
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| | | << two views of a male of Idas Blue (Plebejus idas) alt.455m - Aude (France) - 06/06/2021 |
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| | | << male of Black Veined White (Aporia crataegi) alt.950m - Aude (France) - 06/06/2021 |
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| | | << male of Zygaena transalpina ssp hippocrepidis alt.645m - Aude (France) - 06/06/2021 |
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| | | << two views of a male of Twin Spot Fritillary (Brenthis hecate) alt.455m - Aude (France) - 06/06/2021 |
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| | | << female of Tufted Marbled Skipper (Carcharodus floccifer) alt.455m - Aude (France) - 06/06/2021 |
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| | | << interspecific mating pair between a Five-spot Burnet (Zygaena trifolii) on the left side and a Six-spot Burnet (Zygaena filipendulae). This amazing phenomenon is not uncommon in Burnet species but is not likely to lead to successful breeding - Haute-Garonne (France) - 28/05/2021 |
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| | | << female of Common Blue (Polyommatus icarus) with extensive blue suffusion - Haute-Garonne (France) - 28/05/2021 |
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| | | << a mature caterpillar of Brown Hairstreak (Thecla betulae) on Sloe Bush (Prunus spinosa) - Haute-Garonne (France) - 22/05/2021 |
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| | | << male of Swallowtail (Papilio machaon) - Pyrénées orientales (France) - 14/05/2021 |
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| | | << male of Olive Skipper (Pyrgus serratulae) - Pyrénées orientales (France) - 14/05/2021 |
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| | | << male of Forester (Adscita statices) - Haute-Garonne (France) - 13/05/2021 |
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