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| | | << two views of a large female of Southern Scarce Swallowtail (Iphiclides feisthamelii) alt.660m. In this species, the upperside shows a cream background colour which is a bit more yellowish on the front brim of the forewing (costa). These tints differ from those of The Scarce Swallowtail (Iphiclides podalirius), a close species whose upperside is white - Aude (France) - 08/05/2021 |
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| | | << two views of a male of Green-underside Blue (Glaucopsyche alexis) alt.857m - Aude (France) - 08/05/2021 |
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| | | << male of Duke of Burgundy Fritillary (Hamearis lucina) alt.857m - Aude (France) - 08/05/2021 |
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| | | << female of Berger's Clouded Yellow (Colias alfacariensis) alt.857m - Aude (France) - 08/05/2021 |
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| | | << male of Small Blue (Cupido minimus) alt.857m - Aude (France) - 08/05/2021 |
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| | | << male of Spanish Fritillary (Euphydryas desfontainii) alt.660m - Aude (France) - 08/05/2021 |
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| | | << two views of a male of Mountain Small White (Pieris ergane) alt.660m nectaring on the host-plant (Aethionema saxatilis). This species is totally devoid of black spots on the underside and those on the upperside are weak - Aude (France) - 08/05/2021 |
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| | | << male of Provençal Fritillary (Melitaea deione) alt.660m - Aude (France) - 08/05/2021 |
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| | | << two views of a male of Provençal Short-Tailed Blue (Cupido alcetas) alt.558m - Aude (France) - 08/05/2021 |
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| | | << male of De Prunner's Ringlet (Erebia triarius) alt.954m - Pyrénées orientales (France) - 08/05/2021 |
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| | | << male of Common Blue (Polyommatus icarus) covered with morning dew at sunrise - Aude (France) - 08/05/2021 |
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| | | << two views of a male of Meadow Fritillary (Melitaea parthenoides) - Haute-Garonne (France) - 02/05/2021 |
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| | | << female of Small White (Pieris rapae) - Haute-Garonne (France) - 02/05/2021 |
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| | | << two views of a male Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta). On the second picture, the insect is licking oozing sap on an oak trunk - Haute-Garonne (France) - 15/04/2021 |
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