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| | | << a male of Yellow Banded Skipper (Pyrgus sidae) [photo above] and a freshly emerged female showing their amazing underside - Var (France) - 10/05/2015 |
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| | | << two views of the same female of Yellow Banded Skipper (Pyrgus sidae) laying on the hostplant (Potentilla hirta) and close-up of the egg laid on a flower bud - Var (France) - 10/05/2015 |
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| | | << two views of the same male of Southern Marbled Skipper (Carcharodus baeticus) - Var (France) - 15/05/2015 |
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| | | << a female of Southern Marbled Skipper (Carcharodus baeticus) resting on the hostplant (Marrubium vulgare) - Var (France) - 15/05/2015 |
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| | | << two views of the same larva of Large Tortoiseshell (Nymphalis polychloros) before and after the nymphal molting ; the newly-formed chrysalis shows some shiny white spots on its tegument - Var (France) - 15/05/2015 |
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| | | << a female of Marsh Fritillary (Euphydryas aurinia) - Var (France) - 14/05/2015 |
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| | | << a caterpillar of Provence Orange Tip (Anthocharis euphenoides) just after molting, feeding on Biscutella laevigata - Var (France) - 08/05/2015 |
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| | | << a caterpillar of Western Dappled White (Euchloe crameri) feeding on Biscutella laevigata ; unlike the larva of the Provence Orange Tip right above, this caterpillar shows a grey line on the top its body which is a useful feature for telling these caterpillars apart as they both use the same hostplant - Var (France) - 08/05/2015 |
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| | | << 3 views of a mature caterpillar of Southern Festoon (Zerynthia polyxena) found on Aristolochia rotunda - Var (France) - 07/05/2015 |
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