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| |  | << a Scarce Swallowtail (Iphiclides podalirius) - Corsica (France) - 01/05/2014 | |
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| |  | << caterpillar of Cleopatra (Gonepteryx cleopatra) feeding on Rhamnus sp. - Var (France) - 04/05/2014 | |
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| |  | << male of a Slender Scotch Burnet (Zygaena loti) - Var (France) - 04/05/2014 | |
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| |  | << a Southern White Admiral (Limenitis reducta) - Corsica (France) - 29/04/2014 | |
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| |  | << a Cream-spot Tiger moth (Arctia villica) - Corsica (France) - 29/04/2014 | |
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| |  | << female of Baton Blue (Pseudophilotes baton) with extensive blue scaling - Var (France) - 18/04/2014 | |
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| |  | << caterpillar of Bath White (Pontia daplidice) feeding on Reseda phyteuma - Var (France) - 21/04/2014 | |
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| |  | << male of Pearl Bordered Fritillary (Boloria euphrosyne) - Var (France) - 18/04/2014 | |
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| |  | << caterpillar of Provence Burnet (Zygaena occitanica) feeding on Dorycnium pentaphyllum - Var (France) - 18/04/2014 | |
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| |   | << a Marsh Fritillary (Euphydryas aurinia) - Var (France) - 18/04/2014 | |
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| |  | << caterpillar of Spotted Fritillary (Melitaea didyma) feeding on Cephalaria leucantha - Var (France) - 18/04/2014 | |
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| |  | << a female of Spanish Festoon (Zerynthia rumina) - Var (France) - 12/04/2014 | |
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| |  | << other female of Spanish Festoon (Zerynthia rumina) laying on Aristolochia pistolochia - Var (France) - 12/04/2014 | |
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