<< Zygaena anthyllidis - Hautes Pyrénées alt.1950m (France) - 16/07/2012 |
<< Coenonympha oedippus - Hautes Pyrénées alt. 425m (France) - 17/07/2012 |
<< two males of Polyommatus eros - Hautes Pyrénées alt.2100m (France) - 19/07/2012 |
<< two views of the same female Erebia lefebvrei - Hautes Pyrénées alt.2200m (France) - 19/07/2012 |
<< Zygaena contaminei nectaring on Eryngium bourgatii, which is also the foodplant used by caterpillars of this species - Hautes Pyrénées alt. 1400m (France) - 16/07/2012 |
<< group of males of Carcharodus lavatherae - Hautes Pyrénées alt.1720m (France) - 18/07/2012 |
<< two views of the same male Erebia gorgone - Hautes Pyrénées alt.2200m (France) - 19/07/2012 |
<< two views of the same specimen of Zygaena osterodensis . Many thanks to Mr Jean-Louis FOURES and his wife for this nice day - Haute Garonne alt. 1400m (France) - 17/07/2012 |
<< male of Argynnis aglaja - Hautes Pyrénées alt.1500m (France) - 18/07/2012 |
<< two males of Argynnis aglaja - Hautes Pyrénées alt.1720m (France) - 19/07/2012 |
<< two views of the same male Plebejus idas - Hautes Pyrénées alt.1500m (France) - 16/07/2012 |
<< two views of the same specimen of Erebia oeme - Hautes Pyrénées alt.2200m (France) - 19/07/2012 |
<< mating pair of Parnassius apollo (female above) - Alpes maritimes (France) - 08/07/2012 |
<< other view of the scene above |
<< male of Pseudoaricia nicias - Alpes maritimes (France) - 08/07/2012 |