<< young caterpillar of Papilio machaon just after hatching. As soon as the small larva got out of the egg, it started to eat its wall and entirely ate it - Var (France) - 23/06/2012 |
<< two views of the same female Argynnis paphia of form valesiana - Var (France) - 22/06/2012 |
<< mating pair of Zygaena erythrus - Var (France) - 22/06/2012 |
<< mating pair of Clossiana dia - Var (France) - 22/06/2012 |
<< Coenonympha dorus - Var (France) - 22/06/2012 |
<< male of Gonepteryx cleopatra - Var (France) - 22/06/2012 |
<< specimen of Vanessa cardui - Var (France) - 22/06/2012 |
<< two views of the same specimen of Libythea celtis (male) - Var (France) - 16/06/2012 |
<< male Plebejus argus - Var (France) - 16/06/2012 |
<< female of Zygaena cynarae - Var (France) - 16/06/2012 |
<< female of Zygaena cynarae ovipositing on Peucedanum cervaria & close-up of the clutch - Var (France) - 16/06/2012 |
<< male of Laeosopis roboris - Var (France) - 16/06/2012 |
<< young larva of Cacyreus marshalli on Geranium zonale - Var (France) - 17/06/2012 |
<< female of Gonepteryx cleopatra - Var (France) - 16/06/2012 |
<< Brenthis daphne - Var (France) - 16/06/2012 |
<< female of Satyrium ilicis - Var (France) - 16/06/2012 |
<< Coenonympha arcania - Var (France) - 07/06/2012 |
<< female Laeosopis roboris looking for a suitable place for egg-laying at the base of a Fraxinus angustifolia tree. After inspecting the tree bark with great care for a while, the insect finally laid the egg shown on the left - Var (France) - 07/06/2012 |
<< male of Satyrium esculi - Var (France) - 07/06/2012 |