<< female of Lasiommata petropolitana - Alpes maritimes (France) - 05/06/2012 |
<< two pictures of the same male Lasiommata petropolitana - Alpes maritimes (France) - 05/06/2012 |
<< female of Parnassius mnemosyne - Alpes maritimes (France) - 05/06/2012 |
<< mating pair of Everes alcetas (female on the right)- Alpes maritimes (France) - 05/06/2012 |
<< female of Hamearis lucina laying on Primula veris and close-up of the eggs - Alpes maritimes (France) - 05/06/2012 |
<< mating pair of Zygaena nevadensis (female on the left) - Alpes maritimes (France) - 05/06/2012 |
<< female of Polyommatus amandus laying on Vicia cracca and close-up of the egg - Alpes maritimes (France) - 05/06/2012 |
<< male Erebia triaria - Alpes maritimes (France) - 05/06/2012 |
<< two pictures of the same male Phengaris arion (=Maculinea arion) - Var (France) - 31/05/2012 |
<< female of Satyrium w-album - Var (France) - 27/05/2012
Many thanks to Pieter, Brigitte, Simon & Anne for this fantastic day !... |
<< female of Celastrina argiolus - Var (France) - 27/05/2012 |
<< male of Euphydryas desfontainii - Pyrénées orientales (France) - 16/05/2012 |
<< underside of a male Euphydryas desfontainii showing the three black dots on the forewing - Pyrénées orientales (France) - 16/05/2012 |
<< female Iolana iolas laying eggs on Colutea arborescens and close-up of an egg - A single egg is laid on the calyx of newly-formed pods. The insect chose small bushes of the foodplant for egg-laying and was nectaring on its flowers from time to time. This scene was seen in the afternoon (04:15 PM) - Vaucluse (France) - 15/05/2012 |