<< male of Euphydryas aurinia ssp beckeri and Zygaena rhadamantus - Pyrénées orientales (France) - 17/05/2012 |
<< female of Euphydryas aurinia ssp beckeri - Pyrénées orientales (France) - 17/05/2012 |
<< male of Zerynthia rumina - Pyrénées orientales (France) - 17/05/2012 |
<< mating pair of Zerynthia rumina (female above) - Pyrénées orientales (France) - 17/05/2012 |
<< two different specimen of Zygaena lavandulae ; the female on the right was found with the wings stretched, which is a way for the insect to rewarm its body as the air temperature was low (9°C with wind) - Pyrénées orientales (France) - 17/05/2012 |
<< male of Scolitantides orion - Pyrénées orientales (France) - 17/05/2012 |
<< two views of the same female Scolitantides orion - Pyrénées orientales (France) - 16/05/2012 |
<< two views of the same female Mellicta deione - Pyrénées orientales (France) - 17/05/2012 |
<< two views of the same male Mellicta deione - Pyrénées orientales (France) - 17/05/2012 |
<< male of Carcharodus flocciferus - Pyrénées orientales (France) - 17/05/2012 |
<< a large individual of Papilio machaon - Pyrénées orientales (France) - 17/05/2012 |
<< Lasiommata maera - Var (France) - 15/05/2012 |
<< picture on the left : male of Zygaena loti ; spot No.2 & spot No.4 merge, nearly forming a band - Var (France) - 15/05/2012
<< picture on the right : other male of Zygaena loti ; spots No.2 & spots No.4 are well separate - Var (France) - 15/05/2012 |
<< two views of the same female Polyommatus dorylas, with amazing blue scaling on the upperside - Pyrénées orientales (France) - 17/05/2012 |
<< two views of a nice female Polyommatus thersites, with extensive blue scaling on the upperside - Pyrénées orientales (France) - 17/05/2012 |