Photo album 2012    

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    << male of Pyrgus sidae - Var (France) - 13/05/2012  
    << underside of a male of Pyrgus sidae - Var (France) - 13/05/2012  
<< female Melitaea phoebe laying on Centaurea sp. and its clutch [insect spotted and patiently observed by Matthieu Bricaire, 13 years old] - Var (France) - 13/05/2012  
    << underside of a Clossiana euphrosyne - Var (France) - 13/05/2012  
    << Zygaena rhadamantus nectaring on Anacamptis pyramidalis - Var (France) - 13/05/2012  
    << picture on the left : caterpillar of Melitaea didyma before molting on Plantago lanceolata ; the larva had been remaining motionless at this place for 3 days (from the 8th of May to the 11th) before the molting process occured . This larva, even when active, had this dark aspect and the colour of its head was mainly black with little orange - Var (France) - 09/05/2012

<< picture on the right : the caterpillar finally molted on the 11th of May, leaving its shrivelled tegument. The colour of its head was clearly orange this time, which is typical in this species - Var (France) - 11/05/2012
    << female Leptidea sinapis laying on Dorycnium pentaphyllum - Var (France) - 13/05/2012  
    << underside of a male Lysandra hispana - Var (France) - 09/05/2012  
    << Aporia cratraegi - Var (France) - 13/05/2012  
    << caterpillar of Brenthis hecate found within a patch of the foodplant Filipendula vulgaris - Var (France) - 01/05/2012  
    << close-up of the head of the caterpillar above - Var (France) - 01/05/2012  
    << other caterpillar of Brenthis hecate feeding on the foodplant Filipendula vulgaris - Var (France) - 01/05/2012  
    << male of Clossiana euphrosyne - Var (France) - 01/05/2012  
    << male of Lysandra bellargus - Var (France) - 01/05/2012  
    << male of Lysandra hispana - Var (France) - 01/05/2012  
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