<< female of Vanessa atalanta - Var (France) - 05/11/2012 |
<< male of Cacyreus marshalli - Var (France) - 29/10/2012 |
<< two views of the same male of Pontia daplidice - Var (France) - 05/10/2012 |
<< chrysalis of Leptotes pirithous on Plumbago capensis (from a reared caterpillar) - Var (France) - 05/10/2012 |
<< Vanessa cardui - Var (France) - 05/10/2012 |
<< female of Lycaena phlaeas - Var (France) - 05/10/2012 |
<< male of Colias crocea - Var (France) - 05/10/2012 |
<< Leptotes pirithous - Var (France) - 22/09/2012 |
<< Zygaena fausta ; the red abdominal belt and the red collar are typical - Var (France) - 22/09/2012 |
<< Charaxes jasius - Var (France) - 09/09/2012 |
<< female of Colias crocea - Var (France) - 22/09/2012 |
<< female of Lasiommata megera - Var (France) - 22/09/2012 |
<< male of Lampides boeticus - Var (France) - 21/09/2012 |
<< female of Pontia daplidice laying on Alyssum maritimum (=Lobularia maritima) & close-up of the egg - Var (France) - 22/09/2012 |
<< Zygaena filipendulae (late brood)- Var (France) - 22/09/2012 |
<< Argynnis pandora - Var (France) - 19/08/2012 |
<< two views of the same male Pyrgus cirsii showing its reddish underside with paler veins - Var (France) - 19/08/2012 |
<< two views of the same female Pyrgus cirsii - Var (France) - 19/08/2012 |
<< Zygaena fausta - Var (France) - 19/08/2012 |
<< female of Arethusana arethusa with black dots on the upperside - Var (France) - 19/08/2012 |
<< mating pair of Arethusana arethusa (female above) - Var (France) - 19/08/2012 |
<< two views of the same female Argynnis adippe - Var (France) - 19/08/2012 |
<< two views of the same female Lycaena tityrus - Var (France) - 19/08/2012 |
<< Erebia neoridas - Var (France) - 19/08/2012 |
<< Coenonympha pamphilus with unusual silvery dots & bold discal line on the hindwing underside - Var (France) - 19/08/2012 |