<< female of Maniola jurtina form hispulla - Var (France) - 03/06/2011 |
<< female of Thymelicus sylvestis. The tip of the antenna is orange/brown on its underneath, which is an essential criterion for separating T.sylvestris from the very similar species T.lineolus - Var (France) - 03/06/2011 |
<< underside of Mellicta athalia (female) showing strong black markings in spaces 2 and 3 (forewing) - Var (France) - 03/06/2011 |
<< mating pair of Pyrgus sidae (female on the right) - Var (France) - 21/05/2011 |
<< female of Lycaena alciphron laying some eggs on Rumex intermedius & close-up of an egg - Var (France) - 21/05/2011 |
<< Zygaena rhadamanthus resting on Onobrychis supina - Var (France) - 20/05/2011 |
<< caterpillar of Zerynthia rumina feeding on Aristolochia pistolochia - Var (France) - 20/05/2011 |
<< male of Polyommatus thersites and Zygaena rhadamanthus resting on Onobrychis supina which is also a foodplant used by caterpillars of these two butterflies - Var (France) - 20/05/2011 |
<< caterpillar of Euchloe crameri on Biscutella laevigata - Var (France) - 20/05/2011 |
<< Lycaena alciphron (male)
Var (France) - 18/05/2011 |
<< Blue female of Lysandra bellargus - Var (France) - 18/05/2011 |
<< Brenthis hecate - Var (France) - 18/05/2011 |
<< Group of Mellicta athalia with a male of Melitaea didyma on animal dung - Var (France) - 18/05/2011 |
<< Pyronia bathseba - Var (France) - 17/05/2011 |