• last updates          
  15/09/2024 : Papilio alexanor (Southern Swallowtail)
Melitaea ignasiti
Euchloe insularis (Corsican Dappled White)
  10/08/2024 : Aglais ichnusa (Sardinian Small Tortoiseshell)
Zygaena corsica (Corsican Burnet)
  09/03/2024 : Pyrgus armoricanus (Oberthur's Grizzled Skipper)
Pyrgus alveus alveus (Large Grizzled Skipper)
Zygaena brizae
Zygaena viciae (New Forest Burnet)
  21/02/2024 : Hipparchia fagi (Woodland Grayling)
Hipparchia genava (Lesser Rock Grayling)
Hipparchia alcyone (Rock Grayling)
Euphydryas aurinia (Marsch Fritillary)
Arethusana arethusa (False Grayling)
Erebia manto (Yellow Spotted Ringlet)
Fabriciana adippe (High Brown Fritillary)
Fabriciana niobe (Niobe Fritillary)
      !! NEW FIELD GUIDE !!  

information & purchase

>> here <<
  06/02/2024 : Coenonympha hero (Scare Heath)
Phengaris nausithous (Dusky Large Blue)
Zygaena exulans (Mountain Burnet)
Phengaris rebeli (Mountain Alcon Blue)
Erebia pharte (Blind Ringlet)
  25/02/2023 : Nymphalis antiopa (Camberwell Beauty)
Parnassius mnemosyne (Clouded Apollo)

Arethusana boabdil
Pyrgus warrenensis (Warren's Skipper)
Zygaena ephialtes (Variable Burnet)
  13/12/2021 : Melitaea aurelia (Nickerl's Fritillary)
Zygaena minos
  05/06/2021 : Euphydryas desfontainii (Spanish Fritillary)
Iphiclides feisthamelii (Southern Scarce Swallowtail)
Heteropterus morpheus (Large Chequered Skipper)
  latest shots
    watch them >> here <<
• for each butterfly family, a visual grid has been created (24/03/2019)
It may help you identify the butterflies you encounter
  ... in the menu on the left, click on ' Butterflies > identify a + family name '    
• the species page of Aglais ichnusa  has been updated  (on 10/08/2024)    
                                             click here >>
• NEW !  the species page of Zygaena corsica is now available (created on 11/08/2024)    
  click here >>    
NEW !  identification help : Hipparchia fagi vs Hipparchia genava vs Hipparchia alcyone  (created on 13/02/2024)    
                                             click here >>
List of the French species and their subspecies (France & Corse)
click here >>


My name is Philippe Bricaire, I am French and I live in the Haute-Garonne in the south of France.
Welcome to my website which is dedicated to butterflies and burnet moths. The aim of this website is to share my passion for butterflies and photography.

In most cases,  butterflies can be identified by photography alone. When observing these beautiful and fascinating insects we should respect their habitat and avoid chasing them for too long.

Observing a butterfly, watching its behaviour and identifying the foodplant used by the female to lay eggs are all moments that bring immense satisfaction.
There is nothing like being a part of these special moments that nature has to share with us !
Copyright © 2010-2024
All the texts and pictures harbored at 
www.fleetingwonders.com are copyrighted.
All rights reserved whatever the country. Explicit permission is required for using any content from this website.



 visitors since  1st August 2010